Thursday, February 17, 2011

EXTREME dieting...coming to a channel near you.

Why am I doing this again?

This question must have passed through my mind a hundred times in the past two days.

Two days?

Yes, I'm that pathetic.

What is it I'm doing?

Well...besides asking myself ridiculous open ended questions, I'm dieting. But not your run of the mill weightwatchers diet. Extreme dieting. So extreme it should get its own TV show...kind of has a catchy ring to it huh?

But seriously, on Tuesday I jumped into a new dieting venture, not completely aware of what I was getting into. My doctor has a weightloss clinic, where you get two shots of lipoplex bi-weekly, supplemented with appetite suppressants.

Doesn't sound so bad, right?

Not until you see the list of foods you can and cannot eat. There are about 40 foods on that list that you can eat. Namely vegetables and meats. Seriously, this is the meal plan: Breakfast: Protein, fruit. Lunch: Protein, vegetable, salad; Dinner: protein, vegetable, salad

Aren't salad supposed to be full of vegetables anyway?

This diet might not be so hard for some. But for me it is pure torture. For starters I've never been a big meat person. I was a vegetarian for 4 years, mainly due to the fact that it makes me sick to think of eating a dead animal, most of which were at one time very cute. In fact, if I hadn't gotten anemic, I probably still would be a vegetarian.

But it's a bit of a problem being a vegetarian when you don't like vegetables.

Getting it? I hate vegetables. Almost all of them. Even the ones I don't like I have to force myself to eat. Maybe it's the thought of all those nice leafy greens that the meat I'm now eating ate as a last meal... Maybe it's having vegetables forced down my throat as a kid...Maybe I just have immature taste buds (even though I'm pushing thirty).

Therin lies the problem. How does a girl, who barely eats meat and can count on one hand the number of vegetables she can tolerate, go on a meat and vegetables diet?

I think I'd give it up already if I hadn't paid $120 for the shot and appetite suppressants.

So...since I'm sure you're dying to know, here is a list of what I can eat that I actually might. (Does that make sense outloud or only in my head?? )

Beef (though I really only eat ground beef), deli meats, ham, turkey sausage (belch), shrimp, chicken, eggs, pork (not a favorite), plain yogurt (double belch), pickles, green beans, spinach, onions, carrots, brown rice, and sweet potatoes.

I'm allowed ONE fruit a day in addition and so far that eating that one fruit has been like hearing an angel choir from above.

Two days into the diet and I have strayed already. Breakfast: nasty blend of overcooked eggs and turkey sausage. Lunch: grilled chicken (3 oz), spinach leafs (too many) 3 tbs of asiago and garlic dressing, fruit cup (yessss) Dinner: trail mix.....(not on the menu but it was full of nuts and I was recovering from a migraine. I wonder how many calories I consumed today, though I don't think I met how many I'm supposed to eat. Nor did I yesterday. In fact I think if I stick to this diet I will lose weight but only because I'm starving myself.

On a positive note, the appetite suppressants work. When my belly was roaring with hunger yesterday, I popped one of those bad boys and the hunger pangs were gone with an hour. If that's even a good thing, since it contributed to yesterday's meal totals being: breakfast: a half a banana lunch: chicken sausage and half a can of diced tomatoes dinner, half a cup of brown rice and chicken sausage again. Pretty sure my calorie count for yesterday was something around 900.

So I'm praying this gets easier. Or that my taste buds change. Or that suddenly pasta and chocolate become vegetables..... Then I could stay on this diet forever.

P.S. I hate the word vegetables so much that when I was spell checking this entry I realized I never learning spell it correctly. All ten thousand references to vegetables were misspelled... Hahaha

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